Game of Thrones Catspaw Foam Blade


Arm yourself for battle with this officially licensed Game of Thrones Foam Catspaw Blade. Dagger is foam molded over a rigid plastic core. Molded and painted to look like the one in the TV series.

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DURABLE AS VALYRIAN FOAMAny smith worth their forge knows of Valyrian Steel.  The ancient metal (when forged with skilled hands) remains sharp forever.  Like… forever.  Think of all the things we’d be creating with glee at the knowledge that daily or even annual maintenance was no longer required! So, we’ve got to wonder if it is just the Valyrian part that is important or the steel part.  In order to find out for once and for all what makes this the stuff worth killing over, it is time to explore a few other material options. PRODUCT DETAILSProve the worth of Valyrian foam by wielding this Game of Thrones Foam Catspaw Blade.  This lovely mock weapon is crafted in perfect detail, just like the weapon that almost took Bran from us early in the show!  Since it isn’t steel, it isn’t sharp, but it will be one of your favorite bits of GoT cosplay for at least as long as the steel would have lasted! FORGED IN PLUSH DRAGON FIREOnly the best weapons were formed of Valyrian Steel and the greatest ones from dragon fire.  We’re pretty sure that real dragon fire would be bad for this guy, but our Mother of Plush Dragons assures us that this Catspaw Blade is strong enough to go face to floof with her plush children.