Adult Skeleton Sublimated Face Mask


Stay safe with the Adult Skeleton Sublimated Face Mask. Who says you can’t have a little fun while keeping your distance? Scare everyone with the skeleton mask while you’re at it!

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No Bones About It Remember the days of educational songs? Those jingles that you learned in school that helped you remember anything from parts of speech to how to do long division? It’s no wonder we hum under our breath while we try to recall the purpose of an adverb or the multiplication tables. One song that we could never quite master, though, was the skeleton song. It helpfully reminded us which bones were joined to which other bones. Years later, we still aren’t sure what the hip bone connects to in the human body. Is it the thigh bone? The rotator cuff? (Is that even a bone? We don’t remember.)Product Details Fortunately, the human skull is much more straightforward. Everyone knows where those bones go! In this case, it goes right on your face with this Adult Sublimated Skeleton Face Mask. It’s contoured to your nose and chin for a snug and comfortable fit, and elastic cord ear loops secure the face-covering in place. If you think about it, you’ll be wearing a skull over your skull. How wild is that?