Women’s Classic Mad Hatter Costume


This is a Women’s Classic Mad Hatter Costume. Have a fun night in wonderland and be the best dressed hatter in the town with this great Halloween costume.

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Wild StyleThere are only two ways to make sure that you’re standing out in Wonderland. Just think about it. You’re in a world where everyone is mad. (Probably the only thing that Cheshire has ever said directly!) Everyone there is going just a bit extra. Maybe a lot extra. We’d understand the Queen of Hearts having elegant attire, but even other royalty shy away from that much abundant style! The Tweedles have spinning hats. The Rabbit must own a dozen watches.With all that extra coming out of characters’ ears, the only ways to stand out are to wear something completely drab and dull—and who in a right or a raving mind would want that!?—or to go extra extra! That’s what the Mad Hatter plans to do and, after a few cups of tea, Alice might be willing to do too! Grab your garb, bolster those colors, and always go for the oversized hat. In a snap, you’ll be the hit of Wonderland fun. And now it’s time for us to help you on your quest. Product DetailsTake Wonderland by storm when you show up in this colorful feminine twist on the Mad Hatter. This ensemble includes a golden velvet jacket with long tails and brilliant brocade patterns on the cuffs, lapel, collar, and a bow in the back. The blue checkerboard shirt front has faux buttons and is attached to the jacket, so you don’t need to worry about too many uncomfy layers. The elastic shorts, large hat, and checkerboard necktie finish off the look, but your story is just beginning.Hatter Alice?Folks will instantly recognize the crazy fun of the Hatter when you appear in this classic costume. The only question is if the Hatter has broken free of Wonderland or if Alice has seriously upgraded her style!