Mini Skeleton Rat Halloween Decoration
Need a finishing touch for your graveyard scene this Halloween? This Mini Skeleton Rat Decoration is sure to do the trick! At only 2 inches high, and 9 inches long, this little guy can be placed into any scary spot!
The Halloween season practically dictates some creepy decor. You know: webs, bats, witches, and broomsticks. Our personal favorite? Skeletons.We’re not exactly sure what it is about skeletons that tickles our fancy, but it does. Maybe it’s the way all the little pieces fit together like a puzzle. Maybe it’s their sharp, angular shapes. Maybe it’s the fact that bones are the hardest things in your body and help your mushy organs and skin retain some kind of shape. Any way you dice it, bones are pretty cool.Which is why we love skeletal decor. Peel away the fur and muscles and leave the animal’s bones behind and that is the creepiest of decor you can get! For instance, our Mini Skeleton Rat. It’s about 9″ long and 2″ high. It’s a solid little skeletal system fused together to adorn your home with its morbid charm. Which is perfect for the season.