Avocado Purse


You know you LOVE avocados. Well put that love affair on display with this adorable Avocado Purse. Complete with strap, and a heart shaped seed of love, perfect for all occasions!

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Avocado LoveYeah, it’s a stereotype. We’ve heard it a million times now—millennials love avocado toast. So what? We can admit it. Few things taste as good as a bit of fresh avocado on a warm piece of toast. It’s a superfood and it’s one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. If people want to poke fun at millennials for eating it for breakfast, then we say go ahead and let them tease! All of those avocado eaters out there will be getting the last laugh when they get a healthy and delicious breakfast with their beloved avocado toast. In fact, we think it’s time to celebrate the love of avocados with this adorable handbag!Product DetailsThis cute Avocado Purse is a great way to showcase your love of the delicious superfood! The bag is crafted out of vinyl and it’s shaped like an avocado. It even has a heart-shaped pit in the center of it. The entire exterior shimmers to help show the world just how spectacular avocados are! The bag also comes with a vinyl wrist strap for carrying. Whether you plan on using this complete your costume, or you just want a delicious new accessory for your everyday wear, this Avocado Purse is 100% fabulous!