Adult Grey Monster Costume


You’ll be the stuff nightmares are made of in an Adult Grey Monster Costume. This costume is so gory you’ll give yourself a fright. Transform into a walking terror with this unique monster costume.

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“Do you fear death?” We don’t know if we fear death, but we sure do fear this haunting costume. We had hoped that we never would have to see Davy after he stuck us in his locker for a hundred years, but here we are… seeing him again, it’s rather uncomfortable, to be honest. But anyways, deep under the ocean is a city that has been lost to the modern world. Long ago before the time of man and even before the time of dinosaurs there were the old ones. These creatures were beyond wise and controlled all the elements. Then due to forces beyond their control the city of R’lyeh was sunk under the ocean and till this day the old ones wait, and wait, and wait. They are waiting for the right moment to come back to the surface and control the world. In this costume, you will barely be a recognizable human, let alone be recognizable as yourself. The molded latex monster mask has tentacles and covers entire head, while the grey pullover hooded robe has a grey cheesecloth that drapes over the entire body. Whether you want to be Davy Jones or Cthulhu, or even your own created character, this is the perfect costume for your desired event. Recruit your friends to join your immortal, sea born army, or go into the night solo, either way, this costume will sure get you ready to party.