Zombie Make Up Kit
Get the authentic undead look this Halloween with this Rubies Zombie Makeup Kit! This makeup kit includes everything you need to become a realistic zombie this year.
Literally DeadAs you sit around the house with your friends, you keep fighting the urges to bite the nearest one. Yes, you are a zombie, but you have been really trying to stick to your vegetarian diet for a long time now. You have had some slipups, but all in all it has been going pretty well.When the person next to you accidentally drops some ketchup on their arm, though, you just can’t hold back anymore! Suddenly lunging forward, you take a great delicious bite of the hamburger they were eating and munch happily on it. “Hmmm,” you say, “It’s not as good as brains, but I’ll take it!”Killer Good LooksFinding the right look for your zombie aesthetic can be very tough, but with this Zombie Make Up Kit you won’t have to work nearly as hard at it! This kit has all the parts you need to give yourself that monstrous, hungry look you are going for. You won’t have to tell anyone what your costume is when you use this kit to finish it! The best part is that you can use it to zombify anything. From presidents to vampires, no costume would not be improved with a little undead touch!