Women’s Ombre Spider Web Poncho
Being spooky doesn’t mean you can’t look cute too! The Women’s Ombre Spider Web Poncho will be a hit on Halloween.
Caught UpHave you heard of spider fever? Don’t worry. It’s not something to fear. It’s not about turning into a crime-fighting spider person. It’s also not about getting sick. Spider fever is about getting obsessed with spiders. Okay, yeah. Maybe we should have said that right away. It’s not like it’s a complicated subject. Still, getting caught in the spider web that is arachnid fascination can take over your life. Spiders are amazing creatures. They not only can spin a web in less than an hour but they can slingshot themselves in order to catch prey. They are some of the fastest moving creatures on the planet, using a hydraulic technique to move their bodies at lightning speed. It’s no wonder that, while they fascinate us, they also send a shock of fear up our spines!Product DetailsThis poncho is an easy-peasy costume that packs a lot of punch. This lightweight style travels well so if you’re heading to a party straight after work, you can throw this on and be ready! The ombre look has a spider web printed over top with a small spider to give onlookers a nice case of the creeps. It’s about time you flaunted your spider fever with a look that lets you get caught up in the spooky festivities!