Magical Wand with Streaming


Dress up as a beautifully, magical fairy and complete your look with this enchanting Streaming Magical Wand. This wand has colorful streaming on it and a star at the top.

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Magical UpgradeYour kiddo is ready. She’s got her sparkling outfit, complete with wings, and she can’t wait to show off how good she’s gotten at turning dandelions into bouquets of roses and boulders into friendly giant toads. As she skips through the yard, off into the enchanted forest she’s imagined in place of the bushes, you realize something is missing. She doesn’t have a wand. You know your child’s imagination is big enough to fill in the missing pieces and wand or not the ants climbing the sapling will become woodland sprites. But, you want her to have something better than the twig she found in the garden, something worth a flourish above her head.Product DescriptionSprinkle a touch more pixie dust onto your child’s fairy costume with this Streaming Magical Wand. This pretty pastel accessory is adorned with lilac, baby blue, and light orange ribbons that drape below fabric flowers. The iridescent star at the top gives an extra sparkle to any outfit when it catches the light.Give it a TwirlAdd some magic to your fairy, princess, or witchy costumes with this playful Streaming Magical Wand accessory! Whether for you or for a child, this simple yet colorful costume prop is sure to make you feel like doing a twirl!