Beer Stein Purse


16 days of beer, wow will you get hammered. Your next Oktoberfest celebration won’t be the same without this Beer Stein Purse. It’s a fun accessory to wear with a German costume or to your next big beer festival.

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Oh, this is just genius. Do you know how you put all of your money into beer? Well, now you can put your keys, makeup, mints, and any other stuff you need for a night out drinking into beer as well. No, not a literal beer, you nut! A beer-shaped purse. This is also the perfect thing to use to smuggle beer into places. Who’d ever think to check the beer-shaped thing for beer? It’s the perfect crime!And this is the perfect purse for every occasion. A night out drinking? An important court date? Your own intervention? It doesn’t have to match what you’re wearing. It’s what’s on the inside that counts. And what’s inside of you? That’s right: beer!