Stone Axe Toy Weapon
If your dino-killing club is getting worn out, then it’s time to give this toy stone axe a try. It’s the kind of dream tool that every caveman fantasizes about.
Tired of lugging around that beaten up old club like a dimwitted Neanderthal? It’s about time you get out of that prehistoric mindset and upgraded to an awesome Caveman Stone Axe. Using the greatest technologies known to all of mankind, this amazing instrument of destruction as been developed. By adding this weapon to your arsenal, you will have double the dino-killing efficiency. In all honesty, this axe looks way more menacing than a wood club… all we’re trying to say is that your main hunting tool shouldn’t be able to also be your dog’s favorite chew toy. So treat yourself with an upgrade that will strike fear into the eyes of your enemies, effectively and proficiently provide food for you and your family, and possibly even gain back the respect from your dog. Maybe as long as you let him keep that useless wooden club of yours, you two will be a-ok!