Sexy Red Ringmaster Costume for Women
Strut your stuff as the leader of the circus with Women’s Red Ringmaster Sexy Costume. Tame the lions and dancing bears all while looking your best in this costume.
Come one, come all!While plenty of kids dreamed of running away with the circus, for you, it was more than just a dream… It was an obsession. You knew that the only way you could ever truly be happy was traveling across the country in rickety old train cars, boarding next to elephants, lions, clowns and acrobats… and looking sexy the whole time! A life in the circus was your one true calling, which is why you attended the prestigious College of Sexy Ringleading in New York City. After you graduated with a major in sexy ringleading and a minor in sexy clowning, you started searching for your very own big top to call your own.It wasn’t easy, and it wasn’t glamorous. You started as a sexy sideshow barker, then moved up to a sexy human cannon ball, then earned a spot in the surprisingly serious and professional sexy clown troupe. A few broken bones convinced you that you weren’t coordinated enough to be a sexy acrobat, and it turns out being allergic to cats is a liability as a sexy lion tamer. But, slowly but surely, you worked your way up the ranks. Thanks to a lot of sweat, tears and custard pie filling, you finally made it to the top of the big top: the sexy ringleader herself.Product detailsNow, every night you get to strut your stuff while ruling the circus tent’s three rings. And you always look fantastic while doing so, thanks to your Women’s Red Ringmaster Sexy Costume. This 100 percent polyester outfit features a jazzy red vest-and-black-bottom combo, with shiny black trim lining and long tails in the back. There’s a button closure in the back for easy wear.Star of the showNow, no matter whether you’re narrating your human cannon ball’s latest daring feat or laughing along with your circus clowns, you’re always looking your best.