Police Walkie Talkie Set


Make sure that you always keep in contact with your fellow Officers when you add this Police Walkie Talkie Accessory Set to your costume! Do you copy? Hello?

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Officer, Do You Copy? Over! Keeping the street safe is a tough job, but someone’s got to do it! On the plus side, you get to look official by carrying around a mic set and barking cool-sounding abbreviations and badge numbers into the mouthpiece. Product DetailsCall for backup whenever you need to in this Police Walkie Talkie Costume Accessory Set! The realistic-looking prop includes a faux receiver complete with an antennae. It clips onto your belt or waistband and is attached via vinyl tubing to a plastic mouthpiece that can be clipped onto a shirt. Both pieces feature decals printed with the word “POLICE.” Buddy Cop Show Pretend to be giving out orders or calling in the SWAT team with this set clipped to your outfit! If you’re dressing up with a friend, you can “chat” to each other all night long and no one will be the wiser.