Plastic Tambourine Accessory
Looking for the perfect accessory to go with your festive outfit? This Plastic Tambourine Accessory is perfect for so many different celebrations, that it will keep you covered all year round!
Give it up for the Tambourine, ManEveryone wants to be the front man in the band. Or the lead guitarist. Or the drummer that puts all the rock legends to shame. Even the bassist gets attention for their driving lines and broody demeanor. But what about the tambourine player? Without their occasional appearance to send a tinkling sound through the beginning or end of a song, so many classics would fall short.You appreciate the tambourine player, though. You understand that Stevie Nicks wouldn’t have really been able to go her own way without her trusty tambourine. California dreams wouldn’t be the same without the whimsical addition of tinny percussion. And what even would the Beatles be if they hadn’t employed some tambourine trips?Product DetailsShow your love for the greatest tambourine artists by completing your retro rock star costume with this Plastic Tambourine Accessory. Whether you’re playing covers of your favorite songs that feature tambourine lines or just jazzing up your look, this costume accessory is a must-have. Featuring six zils, a bright white drumhead, and a festive ribbon, you’ll be ready to add a little jingle to any occasion!Shine a LightDon’t let the tambourine get overlooked ever again with this Plastic Tambourine Accessory. Whether you play one note or an entire solo performance, this simple instrument deserves its time in the spotlight!