Monster Collage Patent Coffin Wallet
This super cute Monster Collage Patent Coffin Wallet will be the perfect accessory to add to your Dracula, Frankenstein, or Wolfman costume! It is perfect for carrying all your essentials during your next costume event!
Dead to Me”Failing to plan is planning to fail.” It might be an annoying thing to hear, but it’s kind of true. Not bringing the right stuff along on a night out is basically the death knell of your fun. Sound overly dramatic? Try showing up at a concert and realizing that you forgot to bring your tickets, ID, money, phone, or all of the above. Product DetailsNo one panic: This Coffin Monster Collage Wallet is the perfect way to make sure that your important belongings stay close at hand! The unique wallet is made out of faux patent leather and shaped like a coffin. The zipper closure unzips to reveal an inner pocket lined with spiderweb-printed fabric. A wrist strap can be clipped to the zipper pull. One side of the wallet is printed with a collage of Frankenstein, Dracula, and more, while the other side reads “Universal Monsters.” It Comes out at Night Even beings who sleep through the day and only come alive at night needs a cool accessory! Bring this wallet with you whenever you leave your coffin behind and head out on the town with friends.