Metallic Skull Pimp Cane
Add this chilling Metallic Skull Pimp Cane to your Halloween Costume, this year, for that little amount of terror you are looking for.
started from the bottomEvery player needs to start somewhere. You think the top dog starts on or even near the top? You think every player is born with bling around their neck? No, son. You need to earn all that! Most true players start from nothing and that means they don’t have the Benjamins for all that metal, encrusted with gold and ice.product detailsIf you want to start your way to the top, then you might need to begin with a budget wardrobe — including your kicks, your chain, and especially your cane. You don’t want just any old cane, though. No, that will put a player out of business. As foremost authorities on the topic, we recommend this Metallic Skull Pimp Cane, which is as menacing as it is fly. now we’re hereWith your new cane everyone will see you’re gunning for the top of the top. It might not be made out of solid gold, but it shows the world that you’re aiming high and won’t settle for second. Remember us when you make it out of the game, player.