Lucky Yodeling Pickle Ornament


Got a little present snooper in your household? If so, you will love the Lucky Yodelling Christmas Pickle Motion Activated Ornament. The best way to use it is to hide it by the presents so you can catch them in the act!

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Present ProtectorSome of us can’t help it: We just HAVE to know what’s inside that brightly-wrapped present underneath the Christmas tree, even if it means shaking, poking, listening, peeking, or even licking (taste might be a clue!) For those of us who can’t help ourselves, there’s this Lucky Yodeling Pickle Holiday Ornament. The bright green pickle-shaped decoration has a motion-activated yodeler hidden inside it. If a gift guesser gets too close to the present it guards, the pickle lets loose with a yodel! Don’t worry, an on-off switch ensures that you won’t give Santa a heart attack on the big night.