Glitter Moon Cape and Witch Hat
Add a sexy look to your witch or sorceress this year with the Glitter Moon Cape and Witch Hat. This will add that allure and give you a way to bring people in as a conversation piece as well.
Witchin’ HatGoing to Ye Olde Apothecary to pick up some eye of newt is always such a hassle for Drab Dorothy, as they call her. People see her simple, brown buckskin hat and her patched up cloak and either ignore her or offer her charity. Bah! She’ll show them!She grabs what she needs from the store and races back home, finally inspired to create the ultimate outfit. “Abra Cadabra Alacazam!” she shouts as she dumps in two pounds of frog’s tongues and one hundred eyes of newt. The cauldron broils and seethes with power, a green mist springing over the edge to fill the room. Then there is a sharp crack, followed by a rush of force as all that smoke collapses back together into the shape of a beautifully flowing cape and a nice, tall hat. Perfect! Now Designer Dorothy can strut right down the street and buy her witching supplies without worry.Forget the Hat-ersThis Glitter Moon Cape and Witch Hat were inspired by the very outfit that Dorothy made that day in her cauldron. Though the real recipe was lost to time, this sparkly pair have all the glitz and glam that are possible without magic. If you are looking to add some gossamer glamour to your accessories, then look no further! Style, after all, is a witch’s best friend.