Doctor Strange Marvel Legends Series Eye of Agamotto


Looking for the perfect accessory to complete you Doctor Strange outfit? Well, this Marvel Legends Series Doctor Strange Eye of Agamotto will be perfect to harness your magical abilities.

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Strange Things Are HappeningGoing forward and backward in time is one of those fantasies that we all have at one point or another. If you could redo one day of your life, or re-experience one day, what would you pick? In our office poll here at, we unanimously voted to redo the day that Doctor Strange came out in theaters so that we could watch it on the big screen again!We’re not sure that Strange would really approve of us meddling with time and space, since he’s kind of a stickler for that whole “protecting Earth” thing that he does. But, if we have the Eye of Agamotto, we don’t think there is much he could do to stop us! Besides, he would probably grab some popcorn and rewatch the movie with us anyway!Finding TimeFinding the right prop to complete your Doctor Strange costume can be a real hassle, but you will definitely be satisfied with this Doctor Strange Marvel Legends Series Eye of Agamotto. The stand, gem, and pendant pieces all work together to realistically capture the prop from the movie. The gem lights up with the press of a button, and the prop will look great as a display piece all year long. You will love having this around all year in case you ever need to pop back in time for anything!