German Octobeerfest T-Shirt
Skip the itchy leberhosen and celebrate instead wearing this German Oktoberfest T-Shirt. This tee also makes an easy German Halloween costume.
You can’t celebrate Oktoberfest in just any old getup. When you’re busy enjoying delicious fresh pretzels and sausages, and golden beer by the stein-full, you can’t be bothered with worrying if you dressed properly for the occasion. But you also don’t want to go spilling hot cheese all over your finest lederhosen, either, as tasty as that may sound…We suppose you could be extra careful around the food carts, and hold your frosty beer mug with both hands. But the more fun solution is to simply wear this cheerful German Octobeerfest T-Shirt while you celebrate! This dashing cotton t-shirt comes complete with its very own traditional style German lederhosen printed right on the front, and even includes some manly chest hair. And if you do spill anything on it, you can just throw it in the washer and get right back to the festivities. Prost!