Bone Hair Clip Accessory
Give your cave lady costume the finishing touch it needs with this Bone Hair Clip! This exclusive hair clip will make you the cutest cave woman there ever was!
Going ClubbingAgma is one of the most popular cavewomen in the cliffs. She knows how to make the best mammoth stew. She tells the best hunting stories. Somehow she made the dangerous incident with a cave hyena that happened last month sound pretty funny and was asked to retell it around the fire three nights in a row. So when it came to caveman prom, Agma had a lot of invites. Thog brought her a bouquet of cabbage flowers. Zeb brought her a rabbit skin purse. And Borg gave her a brand new strand of polished rocks.Details & DesignThis wide bone hair clip is Made by Us. The metal clip is secure with small teeth to keep it in place. The long bone will stand out from your hairdo while also being lightweight to keep you comfortable and flashy.Rock and RollThere’s a reason Agma is popular. She knew she’d have more fun if she went with the rest of her cavewoman friends. That way, all three cave fellas could have a dance! All Agma really needed to decide on was if she wanted to wear her granite headband or her brand new mammoth bone clip. Not a hard choice at all, if you ask us!