Bewitched Velvet Witch Hat with Brim


This spooky Velvet Bewitched Witch Hat with Brim puts any Halloween outfit over the top! This is the perfect hat for any witch, warlock, or wizard costume.

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Witching Hour WardrobeWhat kind of witch are you? Are you the type who knows how to rock a fringe kimono while whipping up a bubbly love spell kombucha for your neighbor lady? Or perhaps you’re a little more hard edge. Maybe you spend your time stirring a cast iron cauldron and murmuring spells in Latin. Whether your witching style is charming and bubbly or you’re quite intimidating, you’ll need a few outfits for last-minute midnight coven meetings. Wear what you will but the most important part is the hat. Be sure to make an awesome entrance with a witch that’s as lovely as this one!Product DetailsTexture and shape come together to make this awesome hat stand out. In a traditional deep black, this hat has a wide brim that’s trimmed in a sparkly fabric. The peaked hat doesn’t stop at the top, crooks fold in a wild pattern to make a unique silhouette that’s sure to make any spell you might cast extra potent. Over the MoonMake your witchy costume stand out, even at midnight, when you choose just the right hat. Pair this with the witchy dress of your dreams and your next costumed event is sure to come with spellbinding photo ops!