Skeleton Fingerless Gloves
Halloween happens at the end of October, and that means the weather can be really nippy! If you want to keep warm without sacrificing your costume’s theme, try a pair of Skeleton Fingerless Gloves.
Do you ever feel constricted by gloves that cover your whole hand? Do you consider your fingertips to be your best feature? Do you often find yourself admiring the fashions of the local hobos? Have you made a habit of filing your fingertips so that they come to sharp points, the better with which to jab into the eyeballs of people who have offended you (which honestly sounds horrifying, but hey…we don’t know your life! You do you, boo)? Do you often wish your skeleton was on the outside of your skin, instead of under it?Well then have we got the solution for you! These Skelton Fingerless Gloves are just the thing to keep your upper knuckles and finger tips free and clear of pesky fabric, while simultaneously making your palms look like you’ve swallowed a large gallon of radioactive fluid from the local nuclear power plant and lived to tell about it! Sure, you’ll get some people who will take one look at these gloves and ask, “What’s the point of wearing gloves if they don’t cover your fingertips?” but that’s exactly the occasion you’ve been saving those razor sharp, pointy, uncovered fingertips are for, isn’t it?! So c’mon…slip on these Skeleton Fingerless Gloves and let those finger jabs fly!