RIP Tombstone with Moss Halloween Decoration


Get a start on making your yard the spookiest one on the block with these creepy RIP Tombstone with Moss Halloween Decorations! These tombstones feature three different designs, which will be received at random.

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Lacking IntrigueEven your very cool annual Halloween graveyard display could use an intriguing twist. You’ve tried animatronics that pop out from behind the headstones. You ran a fog machine from dusk until dawn to spook late night and early morning walkers one year. You once went so far as to dress up as the grim reaper and scare unsuspecting trick-or-treaters that wandered from your front walk into the mini maze of tombstones. But you feel like something is still missing.Product DescriptionKeep things simple but surprising this year with a RIP Cross Tombstone with Moss! These individually packaged decorations are the answer you’ve been searching for. With three unique designs selected at random, you’ll never know which one will arrive at your door. Whether the temporary mystery is more exciting for you than passersby doesn’t matter. Discovering which foam stone is waiting for you will restore your commitment to your terrifying Halloween tradition!Mystery MarkerMake your front yard graveyard exciting again with these individually packed RIP Cross Tombstone with Moss decorations! Featuring three different inscriptions and shapes, these Halloween props are the mystery that could liven up even the oldest cemetery. Order your faux stone today to discover which restless spirit wants to join your decorative collection!IMPORTANT NOTE: You will only receive one tombstone with one of three designs: -A ‘Here lies Nathaniel Crowley’ -A ‘Here lies Victor Von Stein’-A ‘RIP’ with a cross at the top