King Arthur Costume Crown & Hood


If you are planning to dress up as King Arthur then this King Arthur Costume Crown & Hood is a must add accessory to your costume. Featuring a hood and a crown, this King Arthur Crown and Hood will be the added piece to make you look and feel extra royal!

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A Royal ProclamationHear ye, hear ye! The great and noble Arthur Pendragon, the once and future king, has returned to rule Britain! He shall ride the land accompanied by his faithful knights to become reacquainted with his subjects and to learn of their needs. As a show of good faith and loyalty, all true subjects are commanded to appear in full force along the roads, cheering their king and hailing the dawn of a glorious age! Product DetailsAll of England will rejoice at your triumphant homecoming when you wear your King Arthur Crown with Hood! A shiny golden crown encircles your noble brow (it may appear to be made of plastic, but we assure you that it’s the real deal). It tops a hood of cloth stitched to resemble chain mail – impressive, but much more comfortable than the fully metal version. We’re Looking at You, Monty PythonDuring the king’s royal tour, all citizens of Britannia are requested to avoid picking fights over the legitimacy of the king’s election via watery tarts or expounding on whether a small bird could carry a one-pound coconut. We just don’t have the running time for that. Thank you.