Heart Necklace with Cross
You need some gothic jewelry because it will make your vampire costume look more authentic. This Heart Necklace with Cross will look perfect.
In a world where vampires prowl the night, everyone knows how important it is to arm yourself with anti-vampire talismans: holy water, garlic breath, crucifixes. But sometimes, you feel artistically stifled under the boring guidelines you have to follow in order to keep your blood safely inside your body. When everyone is wearing a crucifix, how do you stand out with your own unique sense of fashion and style?Look no further! While the rest of your friends are wearing boring old silver crucifixes, you can show how you’re a cut above the rest with this Heart Necklace w/ Cross. It still has the cross that will stop any vampire trying to sink his fangs into you, but it’s also versatile enough to go perfectly with a prom dress or your favorite vampire-slaying trench coat. If you have to relentlessly hunt down and impale the undead, at least you can do it with style.