Felt Elf Hat with Ears


Help Santa around the workshop with this Felt Elf Hat with Ears. Get ready to have the best Christmas ever with the Felt Elf Hat with Ears! Merry Christmas!

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A BIT OF ELFISH MAGICThere are several different kinds of elves throughout the world. There are the classic elves of high fantasy who live in mighty forests and guard the world against horrific disasters. Then, there are the cookie-making elves and their cousins, the shoe-cobblers. They’re super tiny and avoid interacting with humans directly despite their entire livelihood being pretty much based on supplying humanity with our deepest needs: comfy footwear and delicious snacks. The real magic comes in the form of elves that work for Santa Claus! These Winter Wonders can craft all sorts of amazing things in a snap and make sure that we all have a delightful holiday every year! But, they could always use the help!PRODUCT DETAILSLooks like you have the chance to join up with just a bit of elfish magic! This Felt Elf Hat is a perfect way to get into the spirit of the season. It’s comfy and easy to wear and store. It features all the cartoonish look of an elf hat and also has pointed ears to help finish off the look! A PERFECT PAIRWhen you have this Felt Elf Hat, you’ve got a perfect set of elf ears, too! Whether you want to combine it with a full costume or just add a little Christmas panache, this is the way to go!