Carnivore Full Face Adult Mask


Crawl your way to some brains this Halloween with the Adult Carnivore Full Face Mask! Do your best zombie walk it’s the Adult Carnivore Full Face Mask!

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BraaaaaaaainsThere’s no fight about what the best Halloween candy is when you’re wearing this on Halloween–the only acceptable answer is BRAINS! No makeup, latex glue, spirit gum, or wigs needed, because this mask has it all. You’ll look like the literal walking dead when you show up. The hardest decision you’ll have to make is whether you’re the slow, shuffling sort of zombie that walks into doors and falls down stairs, or the fast-moving, speed-running, wall-climbing, super-terrifying, flesh-eating zombie ready to take a bite out of any unsuspecting survivalist. You could even don a red leather jacket and show off your Thriller moves if you’ve got them.Product DetailsThis Adult Carnivore Full Face Mask is made of latex (so if you’ve got an allergy, steer clear!) An elastic band on the back holds the mask in place on your head. The yellowed, peeling skin, jagged teeth, empty eyes, and stringy hair are all carefully designed for a realistically undead look. Just add zombie noises! (“ARRRRRGH!” “RAWR!” and “BRAAAAAINS” are just a few suggestions.) It’s one-size-fits-most, so you and your friends can get together and buy in bulk for the ultimate group costume. You’ll be a graveyard smash for sure.